An open houses in Canada is an event in the real estate industry where a property listed for sale is made open to the public for viewing. During an open house, prospective buyers and curious neighbours or individuals interested in the property are invited to visit the home at a designated date and time to tour it and gather more information. For the most part, a realtor or property broker has the open house, invites guests, responds to questions, and gives insights regarding the property. Open houses permit possible purchasers to investigate the property, grasp its design and condition, and decide if it addresses their issues and queries. If you resides within the city of Toronto be sure to checkout Open houses in Toronto available in the market.

Overview of Open Houses in Canada

Overview of Open Houses in Canada

Open houses in Canada are a fundamental piece of the home-offering process, as they permit dealers to grandstand their property to a more extensive crowd and possibly draw in serious purchasers. They likewise permit purchasers to accumulate first hand impressions and data about a home before choosing whether to seek it further.

How Does an Open House work?

Every property in the real estate market reflects its own characteristics, which makes them distinct. All the accommodations are unique in their own way, which makes the house visit a suitable choice. House visits provide the buyers with complete buying satisfaction. That is where an open house comes in handy. The main goal of an open house is to grab the most of the eyes on the property. But how does an open house actually work?

As mentioned above, an open house is a time period when a property is open to everyone to take a look at it. Generally, during an open house, the owner or the property broker can schedule a tour of the house. Owners and agents decide the date and time for the open house that works best for both of them. Here comes the part where realtors market the house and blast the offer out on social media. Seeing lots of signs on the property itself is not strange in this process. This ends with lead follow-ups by the realtors. 

Advantages of Open Houses

Advantages of Open Houses 

Open houses in Canada are indeed proven to be one of the most beneficial ways to buy a property. There are some advantages of an open house which provide evidence for the statement. These advantages are: 

    • Open houses allow you to have a look at the property prior to the buying decision. The best thing about this is that the buyer does not need to commit to a sneak peek.
    • If you are new to the home-buying process, you are in for a treat at an open house. Open house gives the buyer insights into the properties, proving beneficial in knowledge improvement about the home buying process.
    • Sometimes, buyers are unsure about the size and house type they are looking for. Open houses give the buyers a general idea about their house requirements. This helps them determine the size and type of house that can be a perfect fit for them.

Disadvantages of Open Houses

Open house seems to be a good idea for house searching because of its advantages. But every advantage mirrors at least one disadvantage as well. An open house does have some disadvantages, mentioned below:

    • An open house visit can be distracting as the visitors often find a busy environment there. Unlike private property tours, open house tours can involve multiple visitors at a time. This prevents the buyers from looking at every corner of the property.
    • When you visit a  house within the open house period, you may feel pressured to buy the place as you will find a bidding war for the property.
    • Everyone wants to have a clear space for taking a sneak peek at the property to make any decision. Most open house sessions don’t provide these benefits as the number of visitors makes social distancing a tough task.

Does Open Houses Help in driving traffic?

It may sound like open houses drive a huge foot traffic of visitors. However, reality is quite different from being true. The open house indeed attracts home buyers to pay a visit to the property, which eventually leads to additional traffic. According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), 50% of home buyers now prefer to look for their home on the online platform. They can search for neighbourhoods, school districts, proximity to parks, shopping, and major routes. The online search of neighbourhoods, shopping, major routes, park proximity, and schools saves the buyer’s time and money. So, the open house does help in driving traffic, but it falls behind the line compared to the online listings of the property.

Duration of the Open Houses in Canada

Duration of the Open Houses in Canada 

The duration of the open house depends on the agent or the owner of the property. Open houses can last as long as the owner or broker wants. The general time frame of the open house is 3-4 hours; however, experts suggest that the duration of the open house should be 2-3 hours a day. If the owners want to market the open house for 4-5 hours daily, they can do that. In most cases, you will find a 2-hour window to go and check out a property for you. 

How Does a Broker Set Up The Open House?

In some cases, owners or real estate companies hire agents/brokers to make a sale out of their property. Now, it is the broker’s job to initiate the property tours in the open houses. Owners provide the time frame to the broker where buyers can visit and take the house insights. In some cases, families vacate the property, giving the brokers the freedom to plan open house visiting. 

Effects of COVID-19 on Open Houses

In Canada, COVID-19 significantly changed the landscape of open houses in the real estate market. Here are some key ways in which it impacted them:

    • With social starting to take a seat in the world, some real estate agents have turned to the concept of virtual open houses in Canada. Now, they arrange video tours and live-stream walkthroughs for the property showcase. 3D walkthroughs are also gaining rapid popularity among other virtual open house options. This allows the potential buyers to explore houses safely in their own space.
    • At the point when in-person open houses were allowed, participation was frequently confined to a set number of individuals all at once. Guests were expected to wear covers, use hand sanitisers, and keep actual separation. 
    • Some areas in Canada implemented appointment-only viewings to minimise the number of people inside a property at once. This allowed for better control of foot traffic and reduced the risk of virus transmission.
    • Specialists sometimes directed pre-screening and wellbeing checks for participants, for example, temperature checks or wellbeing surveys, to guarantee that those entering a property were not displaying Coronavirus side effects.
    • Real estate professionals adopted stringent cleaning procedures to sanitise properties between showings, focusing on high-touch surfaces like doorknobs and countertops.


The concept of an open house serves as a crucial bridge in the world of real estate, connecting sellers with potential buyers and providing a unique opportunity for both parties. Open houses, while different in execution, share a typical reason to grandstand a property to general society. They depend on successful showcasing, readiness, and facilitating to draw in guests. During these occasions, potential purchasers are urged to investigate the property unreservedly, get clarification on pressing issues, and imagine the space as their future home. This first hand experience frequently assumes a crucial part in their dynamic cycle. Open houses allow brokers to establish a long-term connection and attract serious purchasers to the arranging table. The job of an educated realtor is basic: directing guests through the property and giving urgent data.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do You Find Open Houses?

You can find it on social media or directly walk into the place where you spot the sign of Open Houses.

Can Anyone Go to an Open House?

Yes, anyone can go to an open House.

Should You Go to an Open House Before Making an Offer?

Experts suggest that one should visit an open house before making an offer to the owner or to the broker.

What Should You Serve at an Open House?

Here is the list of items that you can serve at an open house: Cookies Puff pastries Festive Popcorns Pinwheels Mixed Nut Complimentary Drinks

Should You Stage an Open House?

Yes, you can stage an Open house to attract more visitors, leading to increased traffic.

How Long Do Open Houses Last?

Generally, open house duration depends on the owner and broker. A property can be marked as an open house for the desired duration of the owner and the broker.