Which is better, Calgary or Toronto? It’s hard to choose whether to live in Toronto or live in Calgary when they are both fantastic cities. Though both the cities offer a high standard of living, there are some differences which make one city better than the other. However, which city is better depends on your preference and lifestyleToronto is better when it comes to entertainment, weather, safety, and public transit. However, Calgary is a better option for a simple lifestyle, outdoor activities, nature, and a lower cost of living. 

Here are all the different aspects that make Calgary and Toronto different from each other. Let’s go to Calgary and Toronto!

Expenses And Cost of Living : Toronto Vs Calgary

Expenses And Cost of Living

The cost of living plays a crucial role in deciding where to move. The cost of living in Calgary is much more affordable as compared to the cost of living in Toronto. Toronto is lively and offers several fun options, but you need a lot of money. Calgary is also an expensive place to live in but here you will have more comfort. This city is more affordable than Toronto, and the wages paid are higher to match the cost of living in Calgary. In fact, the rent prices in Toronto are 51.55% higher compared to Calgary. For restaurants, Toronto is 3.18% more expensive compared to Calgary. Further, the consumer prices are 1.79% higher in Toronto.

Overall, if you are looking for an affordable yet advanced city in Canada, Calgary can be one of your choices. Additionally, the oil-rich economy of Alberta has developed Calgary into one of the most desired places to work in Canada. The wages are high, and unlimited job opportunities are available. So, even though the economy of Toronto is stronger with more opportunities, the cost of living in Calgary makes it a better place economically.

Entertainment : Toronto Vs Calgary


In terms of fun and entertainment, no city in Canada can kill the buzz of Toronto.  The city of 8 million people is a centre of art and culture in Canada. Additionally, the residents of Toronto have access to hundreds of entertainment options that range from museums, galleries, restaurants, theatres, cinemas, and much more. Also, Toronto has eight major league teams in the country. If you are planning to live in Toronto and explore it, meet new people, and so on, then we suggest that you go for it. 

On the other hand, if we talk about Calgary, it is more like a laid-back city. Calgary is a rodeo town and has many entertainment options of its own. You can spend your weekend visiting the museum, the Philharmonic orchestra, opera, theatres, and many more. You can also enjoy the lively night of this city; though it is not as good as Toronto but will surely give you a chill vibe.

Love For Environment And Outdoor Fun Activities 

Calgery Fun Activities

If you enjoy the environment and outdoor activities, Calgary might be a better place for you. Calgary is close to the Rockies, so you can have several adventures at any time. You can go hiking, camping, mountain biking, and doing many other fun activities. Calgary also has a parkland measuring about 100km² with spots with amazing scenic views where you can spend quality time with your loved ones. Now, let’s talk about Toronto and fun. Toronto is near Lake Ontario and has beautiful natural beauty. The city is close to some world-famous places, like Niagara Falls. There are 1400 parks in Toronto and many other places for watching mesmerising nature and having some fun activities.

Weather Conditions : Toronto Vs Calgary

Weather Conditions

Calgary is a prairie region that receives a lot of sunlight. The sunlight hours here are more than those in most cities in Canada. Even after that, Calgary has cold, harsh, and long winters. The temperature in winter can go down to -12°C. The winter here is sunny, and the Chinook winds make it a bit warm. Thus, we can conclude that the weather in Calgary is uncertain and can alter without warning. This weather uncertainty is not suitable if you plan to live in Calgary. Now, if we talk about the weather in Toronto, it is mild and stable. The summers are warmer and longer. Though Toronto receives more rainfall, the winter is cold. The winters in Toronto are not as cold as in Calgary.  Toronto gives you all four seasons of weather to enjoy. And, if your preference is warm and certain weather, then you may be happy to live in Toronto.

Safety and Friendly Neighbourhood : Toronto Vs Calgary

Toronto vs calgary Friendly Neighbourhood

Whether you live in Toronto or Calgary, both cities have many safe and friendly neighbourhoods. These even have all the required amenities, from schools to parks and police stations. But when discussing overall safety, Toronto seems to be the best. In Toronto, the crime rate is  31% below the national average. Similarly, the violent crime rate is   28% lower than the countrywide statistics. However, Calgary is also not a sinful place. The city, too, has a crime rate 22% lower than the national averageBut safety is something you must not negotiate. Therefore, living in Toronto is a likeable option. Yet, many consider Calgary better due to its appropriate and family-friendly vibe.

Transit Facilities Toronto Vs Calgary

Toronto vs Calgary transit

Though it has public transport facilities, Calgary is a car-dependent city. It has buses, a C-train light rail system, and other options, but they are not enough compared to the transit system in Toronto. Taking your car is the best option to travel in Calgary. But in Toronto, you can reach every corner with public transport. However, one good thing about Calgary is that there is minimal traffic, so you can quickly reach your destination. Therefore, you can save time.

Calgary vs Toronto: Education System

While both Calgary and Toronto have excellent private and public schools, Toronto’s school fees are much higher than those of the former. According to resources, the primary school fee for a child in Calgary is only $20,000 on average, compared to $39,590 yearly in Toronto. Many international students want to study in Toronto, which further increases the competition for University seats and college fees. Even though the government has set the fees for third-year college tuition, Toronto students still pay $7,342 more than Calgary students. Hence, it is much cheaper and better to study in Calgary if you want to pay less tuition fees and secure a seat at the university of your choice. 

Calgary vs Toronto: Healthcare System

Both Calgary and Toronto share a broad Canadian healthcare framework. The government covers the majority of the costs and is completely tax-free. Here is a comparative evaluation of the services offered by both the cities: 

Comparative Metric

Calgary (Alberta)

Toronto (Ontario)


Alberta Healthcare covers the cost of all hospital services and doctor visits. 

The Ontario Health Insurance Plan does not charge any premium and covers many health services. 

Insurance Plans

Calgary also offers private medical plans, which help cover the cost of prescriptions for low-income individuals. 

Ontario’s Drug Benefit Program helps provide medical prescriptions to people requiring social assistance. 

Emergency Services and Ambulance Costs

This cost is covered under the provincial health plan.

Toronto’s medical insurance also covers emergency costs and ambulance changes. 

Hence, one can argue that both the cities offer the same healthcare facilities best suited for all the residents. 

Calgary vs Toronto: Housing Costs

Calgary’s housing cost is low compared to Toronto. A detached house in Calgary can cost somewhere between CAD 250,000 and CAD 350,000, compared to a similar property in Toronto, which might be around CAD 400,000 and CAD 600,000. The monthly rental price of a one-bedroom apartment are extremely high in Toronto, starting at CAD 2,200, compared to Calgary, which is around CAD 1,300. Toronto also has a land transfer tax bracket separate from Ontario’s land tax, making properties much costlier. Calgary is much more affordable for moving as it does not have a separate land tax. 

Final Words

If you wish to move to Canada, Calgary and Toronto are the best places to live. It is hard to choose between them. Toronto is better compared to Calgary based on some factors, but it all depends on your personal preferences and lifestyle choices. Let us know in the comments whether you choose to live in Toronto or Calgary.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Which city in Canada is best for a living?

The best city to live in Canada is Ottawa, Ontario.

Why is Calgary better than Toronto?

The cost of living in Calgary is lower than in Toronto. Calgary also doesn't have any provincial taxes. Some neighbourhoods can even have affordable housing options. Calgary also has a wide range of things to do in your free time.

What is the cost of living in Calgary?

The average cost of living in Calgary is just $2069 per month, as per the reports. The city of Calgary is in the province of Alberta. In this province, there are no provincial taxes.

What's Calgary famous for?

Calgary is popular for being one of Canada's wealthiest, cleanest and most liveable cities.

What languages are spoken in Calgary?

English and French are the most popular languages spoken in Calgary. English is their mother tongue, with 67.8% of speakers. French is spoken by 1.5 per cent of people, and 30.7% of the population speak different languages.