Canadian winters are exciting, but they can become harsh at times, which can further affect the plants, including delicate indoor plants. Therefore, this guide provides handy tips for protecting your indoor plants for winter. Some plants can’t handle the harsh winter breeze or snowfall. Even indoor plants may have a tough time outliving the winter in Canada. But don’t worry! We have easy nurturing ideas for watering indoor plants in winter and ensuring their well-being. Thankfully, there are many tricks to keep indoor plants safe during winter, promoting their health and helping them thrive. Remember these tips to protect your indoor plants throughout the winter season.

Cut Down on the Water

During winter, indoor plants for winter enter the hibernation zone, requiring reduced watering compared to other seasons. Overwatering indoor plants in winter, like in summer, can lead to rotten roots. To prevent issues, cut down on the watering ratio at the start of winter due to the sensitivity of indoor plants for winter. Always check soil moisture about an inch below the surface when watering indoor plants in winter.

Trim and Wash Plants Before Placing Them Inside

Trim and Wash Plants Before Placing Them Inside

When keeping house plants in winter, they require extra attention. Here are some tips to care for your house plants in winter:

    • Observe the structure and shape of your house plants in winter. Use kitchen scissors to give branches a cleaner cut if you find any dry foliage.
    • If you come across rotted stems at the roots, pull them out to ensure the soil dries. Regular moisture can lead to further plant disease.
    • Trim dead stems or pinch off dead leaves from your house plants in winter before bringing them inside for the season.
    • After trimming, give your house plants in winter a light wash. You can use a spray nozzle or mist spray bottle for this purpose.

Do Not Re-pot the Plants Until it is Spring Again

Re-potting is quite tough for plants because they require all their strength to survive the harsh winters. So, give them time to regain their strength for a successful re-potting.

Avoid Fertilizer or Diluting

Just like you cut down on the water, similar is the case with dilute and fertilisers. You do not need to over-fertilize your winter indoor plants; instead, just skip fertilising if they are healthy. But if your indoor plants require some fertiliser, dilute it with at least 50% of the water before implementing it, preferably in the fall season.

Always Clean the Leaves

Always Clean the Leaves

Cleaning your plants occasionally is important, as the dust can spread through the air and covers the leaves. The dusty leaves do not allow a plant to absorb sunlight. So, make sure to wipe the dust off the leaves by following the below steps:

    • Rinse your indoor plants with water
    • Use a brush or cloth to clean the fuzzy leaves
    • Spray your plants with some diluted soap solution
    • Use a feather brush to remove dust from the leaves

Avoid Breezes and Drafts

Keep your winter indoor plants close to the window so they can get enough natural light. But make sure to keep them aloof from drafts or window gaps so that they can shun the chill breeze. Windows are the best light source for indoor plants in winter but do not keep the plants near the open window. Also, ensure your window insulation status and try to give it a good repair even before the season starts.

Make an Indoor Window Box for Utmost Sunlight

When it’s snowy out, you are in the mood to welcome the blooming winter flowers to bring green life to your home. It sounds magical, right? Okay, then why delay? Let’s make a window box to display all your winter indoor plants where they can get plenty of sunlight. You can grow a few plants in winter, such as some hard species or simple blossom flowers. Next, move the window box outside in spring to let them glow with the flow of the seasons.

Use a Humidifier

Winter could be extremely chilling or dry for plants, so a humidifier to give your indoor plants additional moisture. This moisture, in return, might help the delicate leaves of the plant from browning out.

Say No to Excessive Heat

Be cautious of overheating while caring for your winter plants in Canada at home. Avoid placing them near chimneys, heaters, or fireplaces to prevent drying out delicate leaves. Consider using a plant stand for protection.

Build a Sun Room

If you are a proud owner of all your deck plants or patio and bring all your collection inside the home in winter, try to make a full sun room enclosed porch for your beloved greens. You can also control the inside temperature of the sunroom by ensuring that they get enough light.

Consider a Grow Light or Plant Lights for Winter

When winter days are usually short and darker in Canada, consider purchasing an LED grow light for your winter plants. The grow light provides extra energy for their survival. Remember to choose the appropriate light colour, as it impacts plant growth.


Plants have multiple benefits but require special attention and care for each season, including winter. Best indoor plants for BC winters require extra care due to limited sunlight, which is crucial for their growth. Following the easy tricks and tips mentioned above can keep your plants alive and healthy throughout winter. It is important to be extra careful in implementing the suggested advice to help your best indoor plants for BC winters survive the chilling Canadian winter.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can I keep potted plants alive in the winter?

Wrap potted plant pots in bubble wrap, burlap, geotextile blankets, or old blankets. It is not mandated to wrap the complete plant as it’s just roots that require shielding. These protective coverings help the winter indoor plants to trap the heat and keep it in the root zone.

Can I leave the soil in a plant pot throughout the winter?

Terracotta and clay containers are easy to store anywhere where the temperature does not fall below freezing point. It’s also a good idea to cover each terracotta or clay pot in a newspaper or some other wrapping material to prevent the plant pot from breaking or chipping while it is stored.

Do I need to mist my plants daily in winter?

Do not mist your plants with a spray bottle. Mistreating your houseplants is not advisable, especially during winter, which can lead to further drying of the leaves quickly.

How do I protect my indoor plants in the winter?

To protect indoor plants in winter, provide adequate light, adjust watering frequency, avoid drafts, and maintain appropriate humidity levels.

Can plants survive indoors during winter?

Yes, plants can survive indoors during winter in Canada by providing adequate light, temperature, humidity, watering, air circulation, and selecting suitable plant species.

Do indoor plants need light in the winter?

Yes, indoor plants need light in the winter. The intensity and duration of natural light decrease during this season, so it's important to provide them with sufficient light through windows or artificial grow lights.

What are the easiest plants to grow indoors in winter?

Pothos, snake plants, ZZ, peace lilies, spiders, and philodendrons are some of the easiest plants to grow indoors during winter. They can tolerate lower light levels and have low maintenance requirements.