Since so long ago, Toronto, a city of towering buildings and legendary real estate masterpieces, has served its residents. When it comes to having both residential and commercial spaces, the town is home to a thriving real estate industry. With interesting ROI and financial support programmes ongoing specifically to support residents' pocketbooks, Toronto, the city that people, whether permanent residents or renters, have always preferred, has kept its arm open. These programmes are specifically running for tenant rent support and to assist in rent. As a result, these financial subsidies give residents and tenants extra-budgetary room to save money for emergencies and put together a care package when they're in trouble. Here will provide worthy help to those in need of financial support, be it homeowners or renters. The blog below covers currently pipelined and running programmes to provide residents with financial help with electricity, water and much more.Β Without further ado! Letβs dive right into it.
For Homeowners
In the overview, a brief introduction was provided so that you can get yourself braced up for the programmes and financial subsidies in Toronto. In this section, we will focus particularly on the programmes that lead to financial help for homeowners. Here programmes currently running will be explained in more detail, providing more insight. That way, you can fully acquire the financial support or financial help Ontario has to present. Now, you must have thought about particular benefits of homeownership for new buyers that will sway your decision to buy a new house, specifically in Toronto. Some of the specified programmes mentioned below will leave you with a much better understanding at your hands.
Empowering Low-Income Homeowners with Emergency Energy Assistance
Low-income Residents of Toronto may be eligible for assistance from the City of Toronto in an energy emergency. The Emergency Energy Fund (EEF) can support energy arrears for hydro, gas, or oil services, as well as with reconnection, averting disconnection, and paying bills. The EEF is explained in detail to guide in taking maximum benefits out of it.
Emergency Energy Fund (EEF)
Low-income Residents of Toronto who do not qualify for assistance from Ontario Works or the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) may be eligible for assistance from the City of Toronto in the event of an energy emergency, such as the need to reconnect, prevent disconnection, or help pay off energy debt for hydro, gas, or oil services. In case you wish to apply for the same, i.e. EEF, you can call the Neighbourhood Information Post on the designated calling number 647-727-8988 for five days a week(Mon-Fri) between 9:00 am-4:30 pm. People who receive aid from Ontario Works or ODSP can inquire with their caseworker about programme benefits that might cover these kinds of arrears.
Financial Support with Paying Tax and Water Bills
If you have a low income and are a senior or have a disability, you may be eligible for the Property Tax and Water Relief programmes. Individuals for tax and water relief are only eligible to submit requests for their main residence. The City asks for an unaltered copy of the applicant's Notice of Assessment (NOA) in order to verify eligibility for the City's Tax and Water Relief programmes. Now, to provide more information about Property Tax, Water and Solid Waste Relief Programs, the following is explained below.
Relief Programs for Property Taxes, Water and Solid Waste
In the spring of 2023, applications for exemption from real estate taxes, water charges, and solid waste will be available. (both online and through a paper application). By August 31, 2023, your application must be completed and submitted (not confirmed). The City Council's blessing is required for this deadline.
Eligibility Requirements
The tax and rate-supported budget for 2023 will be decided by the City Council in February, at which time the restrictions on programme eligibility are most likely to alter. All current residents' incomes, including their spouses' income, are included in the household income. Any extra owner(s) who are not residing at the property must submit documentation (such as a driver's licence) in order to be excluded from the household income calculations. If you are eligible for the programmes, the amount of the water and/or solid waste rebate, deferral, cancellation, or cancellation will be applied to your account. The following conditions must be attained to receive the rebate discussed above:
- No taxes from previous years may be due on the tax account.
- The water or utility account bill must be duly paid.
- The house owner or applicant must have been the owner and resident of the property as their main home for at least one or more than one year before 31st August, 2022.
- The house owner or the specific applicant must attain the particular eligibility criteria regarding the stated programme.
- The sum of all stated owners who are residing at the property, as well as their spouses, is your household's combined income.
- As per the 31st December of the taxation year, the age requirements must be achieved thoroughly.
- In case you are a senior and first-time applicant, then you may be required to submit proof of age(eg:- driverβs licence).
Property Tax Increase Cancellation Program
If you wish to qualify for the cancellation of a hike in property tax, then you must have to follow these prerequisites mentioned below:-
- The applicant must have a household income(combined) maximum of about $46,305.
- The residential assessment must turn around the value of not more than $975,000.
- The age cap is put at 65 years or older than that.
- If the applicant is between the age limit of 60-64 years and is under the receipt of an allowance under the OASA or Old Age Security Act; if widowed, either in receipt of allowance of spouse under the OASA, or
- A person with a disability living under a receipt of disability benefits.
Program for Deferring Property Tax Increases
You must meet the following necessitiesΒ in order to be eligible for a delay in the increase in property taxes:-
- The applicant's family income must be at least $50,000 or less.
- Age restriction must be at least 65 years old.
- If the applicant is between the ages of 60 and 64 and receiving assistance under the OASA or Old Age Security Act; if the applicant is widowed and receiving a spouse grant under the OASA; or if the applicant is at least 50 years old and receiving retirement benefits or retirement benefits annuity resulting from a pension plan under the Income Tax Act of Canada;
- A disabled individual who is receiving disability benefits.
Water Rebate and Solid Waste Rebate Programs
- Earn no more than $50,000 in total household income
- Applicantβs age must be at least 65 or above, or
- be at least 50 years old and be attaining a pension or dividend through a plan of pension regulated by the Income Tax Act (Canada), OR be between the ages of 60 and 64 and receive an Old Age Security Allowance; if widowed, get the Couple's Allowance under the Old Age Security Act; OR
- having a disability and being a beneficiary of profits for disability.
Water Rebate Program
You must meet the following requirements in order to be eligible for a rebate on the water use part of your utility bill:
- The annual consumption of water by the applicant is less than 400mΒ³.
- The water service is attached with paid meter service in the house.
Rebate Program for Solid Waste
You must meet the following requirements to be qualified for a discount on the solid waste part of your utility bill:
- *receive a bill for a small, medium, or big trash can
- should only purchase bags for single-family homes
A solid waste rebate is not available for huge garbage bins. To change the size of your bin, contact 311 Toronto by phone or online at
Documentation Required
For Seniors
- Income Tax Notice of Assessment (NOA) or Notice of Reassessment from Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) in its original form (NOR)
- T4A-OAS for Old Age Security (if applicable)
- OAS Allowance (if applicable), Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), or Spousal Allowance T4A (if applicable).
- Any document like Driverβs license or Birth certificate required against proof of age is a must if applying for the very first time.
- Proof of receiving, if applicable, a registered pension or registered annuity under the Income Tax Act (Canada).
Individuals with Disabilities
- Income Tax Notice of Assessment (NOA) or Notice of Reassessment from Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) in its original form (NOR)
- Income from one or more of the following sources for disability benefits:
- Canada Pension Plan (CPP)
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
- Private Disability Insurance Plan
- Employment Insurance Sickness Benefit
- Employer Disability Insurance Plan
- Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
- Disability programs provided by the Professional Association
- Motor Vehicle Accident Insurance
If you don't have the aforementioned proof of income, you should submit evidence proving that you have alternative forms of financial support or specific circumstances related to your disability in order to be given favourable treatment.
Proof of Residency for Additional Owner(s) One document with the owner's name and current principal residence address must be submitted by any other owner(s) who do not currently reside at the property as proof of residency, for instance:
- A duplicate of a driver's licence, or
- Energy bill (cable, internet, hydro, gas, water)
Verification For the City's Tax and Water Relief Programs, you must submit an unedited copy of your Notice of Assessment (NOA) or Notice of Reassessment (NOR). Your private data will be safeguarded from the unapproved collection and use.
How to Apply
In the spring of 2023, the application will be made accessible. If you have previously requested and been granted a cancellation, deferral, water, or solid waste refund, you must submit a new application each year. The tentative deadline for applications for the Property Tax, Water, and Solid Waste Relief Programs is August 31, 2023, subject to City Council approval.
Submission of Applications
Send your application to the City of Toronto Revenue Services, Property Tax Rebates, at 5100 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, M2N 5V7, or by fax at 416-696-3623. (refer to Tips on Faxing and Emailing).
Assessment and Property Tax Appeals
Successful property assessment and property tax appeals may result in tax reductions that change the amount of your tax deductions or cancellation and require return of the rebate.
Fraudulent Representation
The following penalties apply to anyone who knowingly makes a false or deceptive statement in a document presented to the city in accordance with this section, such as an application:
- Consider the property ineligible for a tax delay, cancellation, or refund for the year the application was submitted.
- Be required to repay any earned, given, or forfeited tax credits or rebates.
- Be required to pay duty at a rate of 1.25 % each month on the amount that must be repaid, beginning on the day the taxes were initially postponed, cancelled, or refunded.
There are many more Homeownership investment programs available in Toronto which can profusely sort out any issues faced by homeowners. You can definitely check out some considerations to get saved from any kind of future hustle.
Renovation funding for energy-efficient projects - Ontario Works
Costs of Residential Energy Conservation
A one-time payment of up to $50 may be made to people receiving Ontario Works to cover the expense of things like:
- Caulking
- For windows and doors, weatherstripping or sealing
- Hot water tanks and pipes should be insulated, and
- Shower head flow restrictions.
How to Apply
People who receive assistance from Ontario Works are eligible for this benefit. Speak to your Ontario Works caseworker about applying for this one-time payment. You will have to prove that you pay for the particular utility and invoices for the energy-saving equipment (s). Only reimbursements are made for this benefit.
Who Can Apply
You must get Ontario Works in order to qualify, as well as:
- Be in charge of paying the particular utility's bill.
- Not include these expenses in your monthly rent, and
- Give receipts for anything you buy to assist you to save money on the utilities you pay for (such as fuel, water, or electricity)
Purchase of Smoke Alarms and Carbon Monoxide Detectors- by Ontario Works
Home Safety Costs
The purchase of smoke alarms or carbon monoxide detectors may be covered by a one-time payment for homeowners receiving Ontario Works Assistance. The following expenses are reimbursable:
- Up to $25 for a smoke alarm or smoke detector per family
- A carbon monoxide detector can cost up to $50 per family.
How to Apply
Please contact your caseworker to apply. You must present the safety item's receipts (s). The only way this benefit is paid is as compensation.
Who Can Apply
You must be an Ontario Works recipient, be a property owner, and present the receipts for these things to be eligible. (Landlords must supply smoke alarms, smoke detectors, and carbon monoxide detectors for their rental properties).
For Renters
It becomes equally important for the Toronto housing department to take adequate care of tenants by providing tenant rent support and financial support for rent to the tenants. This way, as a whole, tenants make up a bunch of percentile in terms of currently residing citizens in Toronto. This factor directly affects the economic curve and well-being of the state. So, tenants look for financial support in any manner, to save some extra bucks, which can be utilised in the time of need.
ODSP or Ontario Works for the Housing Stabilization Fund
The Housing Stabilisation Fund (HSF) raises funds for people in Toronto who are receiving financial assistance for rent through Ontario Works, welfare benefits through the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), or assistance through Emergency Support offered to migrants under an emergency authorisation for altruistic reasons. The mission of HSF is to support housing acquisition and maintenance while averting homelessness.
Housing Stabilisation Fund - Assistance for Emergency Housing
In the city of Toronto, people receiving monetary support via Ontario Works, welfare payments using the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), or support through Emergency Assistance given to migrants under an urgent situation approval for moral purposes can get funds from the Housing Stabilization Fund (HSF) for their urgent housing needs. The goal of HSF is to aid in obtaining and maintaining housing while also preventing homelessness. HSF funding could assist with expenses like:
- Within the province of Ontario, moving or rental fees
- Toronto's rental or energy arrears
- Bed bugs
- Establishing a home in Toronto
You should be aware that things that have already been paid for cannot be reimbursed. The Housing Stabilisation Fund policy contains comprehensive information regarding this benefit and the HSF maximum amounts.
Who Can Apply
If a person is receiving financial aid through Ontario Works or financial assistance via ODSP, they may indeed be eligible if they are sheltered and in utility debts (gas, water, or fuel) with a possibility of disconnection or rental arrears. If you have any extra requirements for emergency housing, talk with your investigator. For instance, funds may be distributed to replace beds or other soft furnishings rejected because of bedbugs. If you need accommodation immediately and are not currently getting financial or income help from ODSP or Ontario Works, get in touch with The Toronto Rent Bank for assistance.
How to Apply
Speak to your Ontario Works or ODSP caseworker if you receive income support from the ODSP or financial help from Ontario Works. Your caseworker will provide the required information about the fund, and after that, your request will be considered. A letter from your landlord, an eviction notice, a disconnection notice, a police report, or a letter from the pest control firm are just a few examples of the kind of documentation that may be required to prove your condition. Items that have already been purchased and paid for before HSF cannot reimburse the request. Contact The Toronto Rent Bank for assistance if you require housing immediately and are not receiving financial aid or income support from Ontario Works or ODSP.
After Applying
After receiving the necessary proof, you will be informed whether you qualify and how much within 4 business days. Call 416-397-5550 if you are an ODSP income support recipient and have concerns regarding the progress of your HSF application. If you are per se a migrant who has been given an urgent permit for moral reasons and receives Emergency financial help or tenant rent support from Ontario Works, you can get in touch with your investigator.
Glancing through an HSF Decision
If your application for HSF is rejected and you have provided an email address, you will receive a conclusion message. If you don't provide an address, someone will call you to inform you of the outcome. If you cannot be reached by phone, a conclusion notification will be provided to you at the city office upon request. If you disagree with the decision, you have one month to write to the HSF investigator and request a review. If there is any information you haven't already included that would be helpful during the evaluation process, kindly include it with your letter. The Appeals Review Unit will complete the request, and you will be notified of their decision by either a call or in a letter. You may file an appeal to the Decision Review Committee if you don't agree with the results of the Appeals Review Unit (DRC). The decision letter comes with a Petition for Review by the Decision Review Committee form, which you must complete and mail to the Appeals Review Unit: Decision Review Committee, 111 Wellesley St E, 4th Floor, Toronto, Ontario, M4Y 3A7. Every month, the Decision Review Committee meets. Within four business days only after the committee's meeting date, you will be notified of the final judgment after the committee has examined the case.
Toronto Rent Bank
Grants are offered to qualified Toronto residents who are delinquent on their rent or need support with a security deposit through the Toronto Rent Bank, a collaboration between the City of Toronto and the Neighbourhood Information Post. The Toronto Rent Bank ensures that individuals at risk get the aid they need to stay in their homes and avert eviction by giving these grants.
Program for Tenant Support in Toronto (formerly known as the Tenant Defence Fund)
The City of Toronto will stop accepting new applications for the Renter Support Fund on April 1, 2022. In the future, tenant groups won't need to apply for a Renter Support Fund to pay for attorneys to defend against eviction and/or financial issues. Instead, a recognised legal organisation can now provide legal support to tenant organisations. Information is provided below. For tenant organisations who presently have an authorised Tenant Support Grant for a request made before April 1, 2022, there are no adjustments. Tenant Support Grant payments will continue to be made by the City of Toronto in accordance with the terms outlined in your grant commitment letter. If your tenant association has an inquiry regarding your authorised Tenant Support Grant application, please email Private market rental tenants now have access to a brand-new legal service. Tenant Defence Fund was succeeded by the Toronto Tenant Support Program on April 1, 2022. (TTSP). For eviction and affordability concerns, such as warnings of above-guideline rent hikes, N12 and N13 notices, tenant groups can now easily receive legal services (CCHR) through the special initiative. In private market rental housing, the Canadian Centre for Housing Rights (CCHR) will offer legal help to tenants, tenant groups, and/or tenant associations. Please reach out to CCHR directly if you want to learn more about the legal services provided by CCHR.
Rent Reduction Program
Residential tenants are authorised to rent reductions under the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) when the rental properties where they dwell see a decrease in real estate taxes for two straight years. Municipalities must inform proprietors of concerned properties by September 15 and tenants by December 15 of the tax and rent reductions. If the tax cut is greater than 2.49 percent and there are more than six residential rental properties in a building, or multi-residential rental properties, notices are necessary by the RTA to be issued. To ensure that tenants in smaller rental units have the same choice to automatically reduce their rent as tenants in multi-unit buildings, Council approved a policy in 2001 allowing notices also to be issued to buildings with six or fewer units, i.e., residential rental properties. Per se, the rent reduction is equal to the percentage decrease in property taxes from one year to the next in these situations, where the RTA stipulates that if property taxes have decreased by more than 2.49 percent during the two consecutive years, the rent reduction is multiplied by:
- 20% if the property is rented out and falls under the multi-residential property tax class, or
- 15% for rental homes in the new multi-residential real estate tax class or separate homes.
Below is a compiled list of properties for which automatic rent reduction is applicable, so you can easily checkout if you and the estate youβve chosen or currently reside in the subsidy programs for tenant rent financial support. Rent can be automatically reduced for:
- apartment complexes
- Townhouses which are rented
- condominiums and standalone homes
- Rooming, boarding, and housing facilities
- Land-lease communities and mobile home parks
- Condominiums that are rented
- many private care facilities
- cooperatives that are "for profit" and are rented
Rent cannot be automatically reduced for:
- local housing
- projects for non-profit housing
- cooperatives for non-profit housing
- holiday homes
- a few residences that are held by educational institutions
- care facilities
- properties that are commercial, industrial, or recreational
- residential structures with stable or rising property taxes
Emergency Energy Fund
Low-income Residents of Toronto may be able to receive help from the City of Toronto in the event of an energy emergency. The Emergency Energy Fund (EEF) offers Financial support with energy debts for water, gas, or oil services, as well as reconnecting, preventing disconnection, and settling debts.
Emergency Energy Fund (EEF)
Low-income Residents of Toronto that do not qualify for subsidies from Ontario Works or the Ontario Disability Financial Support Program (ODSP) may be eligible for support from the City of Toronto in the event of an urgent energy situation, such as the requirement to reconnect, prevent disconnection, or help pay off energy debt for hydro, gas, or oil services. Call the Neighbourhood Information Post at 647-727-8988 between 9 am and 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday, to submit a request for the Emergency Energy Fund. Communicating with their investigator about a support program that might cover these kinds of debts is possible for those receiving aid from Ontario Works or ODSP.
Home Energy Conservation Supplies β Ontario Works
A one-time payment of up to $50 may be made to people receiving Ontario Works to cover the expense of things like:
- caulking
- for windows and doors, weatherstripping or sealing
- hot water tanks and pipes should be insulated, and
- shower head flows restrictors.
Who Can Apply
You must get Ontario Works to qualify, as well as:
- be in charge of paying the particular utility's bill.
- not include these expenses in your monthly rent, and
- Give receipts for anything you buy to assist you to save money on the utilities you pay for (such as fuel, water, or electricity)
How to Apply
Kindly inform your Ontario Works investigator if you wish to submit a request for this one-time payment. You must show receipts for the energy-saving equipment and confirmation of your payment for the particular utility (s). The only way this benefit is paid is as a refund.
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