Maximum 4 project can be compared at one go.
Neighborhood Overview
Amenities | D+ |
Liveability | 76 |
Cost of Living | B- |
Employment | C- |
Housing | A+ |
Schools | C |
Crime | A+ |
Index | Creemore /100k people | Ontario /100k People | National /100k people |
Total Crime | 2,373 | 3,086 | 4,223 |
Violent Crime | 609 | 792 | 1,042 |
Property Crime | 1,764 | 2,294 | 3,181 |
Median Income | $92,209 |
Unemployment Rate | 2.0% |
Labour participation rate | 67.1% |
Speak English only | 94.3% |
Speak French only | 0.0% |
Statistic | Location |
Population | 1,450 |
Population density (sq km) | 174 |
Median age | 50.6 |
Male/Female ratio | 1.1:1 |
Married couples | 71% |
Families w/ kids at home | 37% |
Index | Average Expense |
Cost of living | 97 |
Goods & Services | 108 |
Groceries | 100 |
Health care | 103 |
Housing | 70 |
Transportation | 107 |
Utilities | 130 |
The average home price in Creemore is around $888K. Please refer to for further information.
Rental homes cost about $2,000 in Creemore. Please refer to for further information.
Some nearby neighbourhoods to Creemore include Shelburne, Collingwood, Wasaga Beach, Angus, and Barrie.
Currently, only three properties are up for sale in Creemore. Please refer to for further information.
Properties sell quickly in Creemore once on the market. They remain available for sale for only about 39 days.
Creemore is ranked at 1480 among the neighbourhoods in Ontario.