Maximum 4 project can be compared at one go.
Neighborhood Overview
Amenities | A+ |
Liveability | 83 |
Cost of Living | D- |
Employment | C- |
Housing | A+ |
Schools | A+ |
Crime | A+ |
Index | Greensborough/100k People | Markham/100k People | Ontario/100k People | National/100k People |
Total Crime | 2,634 (estimate) | 2,599 | 3,086 | 4,223 |
Violent crime | 676 (estimate) | 667 | 792 | 1,042 |
Property crime | 1,958 (estimate) | 1,932 | 2,294 | 3,181 |
Median Household Income | 117,737 |
Unemployment Rate | 2.8% |
In Labour force | 62% |
Only English speaking | 86.1% |
Only French speaking | 0.1% |
Statistic | Greensborough Neighbourhood |
Area Code | L6E |
Total Population | 16,670 |
Population density (sq km) | 3,974 |
Median age | 38.8 |
Married couples | 84% |
Families w/ kids at home | 60% |
Index | Rating (Compared to the national average of 100) |
Cost of living | 106 |
Goods & Services | 108 |
Groceries | 100 |
Health care | 103 |
Housing | 99 |
Transportation | 107 |
Utilities | 130 |
Type | Area in sqft | Average price. |
1 Bed + 1 Bath | 600-699 | $585,000 |
1 + 1 beds + 3 baths | 2000-2249 | $1,099,000 |
2 Beds + 3 Baths | 1000-1199 | $939,000 |
3 Beds + 3 Baths | 1500-2000 | $1,148,000 |
3 + 1 Beds + 4 Baths | NA | $999,999 |
4 Beds + 3 Baths | 2000-2500 | $1,299,900 |
An average three-bedroom and three-bath which a carpet area of 1500 – 2000 sqft will cost you around $1.14M in theGreensborough neighbourhood. A four-bedroom and three-bath home with a built-up area of 2000 to 2500 sqft will set you back by around $1.29M. For more information, visit
Renting a 1 bed + 1 bath home in Greensborough will save you about $800 monthly. A 3 + 1 bed + 3 bath home can set you back by almost $3,395 a month.
Visit if you want to rent a home in the Greensborough neighbourhood.
Locust Hill and Wismer Commons are the neighbourhoods closest to the neighbourhood of Greensborough.
Currently, there are about 52 homes on sale in Greensborough.
Visit if you are looking to buy homes in this locality.
Homes in Greensborough do not stay in the market for long. About 60% of them usually sell out in under ten days.
Explore to see all the properties available for sale today in the Greensborough Neighbourhood.
Greensborough is widely regarded as a desirable and sought-after neighbourhood in Markham due to its attractive residential developments, ample green spaces, convenient amenities, and its commitment to smart growth.