Maximum 4 project can be compared at one go.
Neighborhood Overview
Livability Score | 82 |
Amenities | A+ |
Cost of living | F |
Crime | A+ |
Employment | C- |
Housing | B+ |
Schools | A+ |
Index | Bayview Glen/100k People | Ontario /100k People | National /100k People |
Total crime | 1,040 | 3,086 | 4,223 |
Violent Crime | 267 | 792 | 1,042 |
Property Crime | 773 | 2,294 | 3,181 |
Index | Bayview Glen |
Median household income | $178,430 |
Unemployment rate | 2.6% |
Labour participation | 41.8% |
Only English speaking | 85.7% |
Only French | 0.2% |
Statistics | Bayview Glen |
Population | 2,072 |
Population density (sq km) | 1,465 |
Median age | 52.5 |
Male/Female ratio | 1.1:1 |
Married couples | 88% |
Families w/ kids at home | 48% |
Index | Bayview Glen |
Cost of living | 165 |
Goods & Services | 108 |
Groceries | 100 |
Health care | 103 |
Housing | 294 |
Transportation | 107 |
Utilities | 130 |
The average home price sale in Bayview Glen is $2,588,000. Please refer to for more information.
The average rental cost of the home in Bayview Glen for 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom are $2395 and $2825, respectively. Please refer to for more information.
The nearby neighbourhoods of Bayview Glen are Thornhill, Markham, and Richmond Hill.
Currently, only one home is available for sale in Bayview Glen. Please refer to for more information.
Homes in the Bayview Glen neighbourhood are selling steadily.
As per the livability rating, Bayview Glen has an 82 score which indicates a better lifestyle and affordable housing options.