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Neighborhood Overview
Liveability | 85 |
Amenities | B+ |
Cost of Living | B- |
Employment | C- |
Housing | A+ |
Schools | C |
Crime | A+ |
Index | Acton | Halton Hills | Ontario |
Total Crime | 2,687 | 2,217 | 3,086 |
Violent Crime | 690 | 569 | 792 |
Property Crime | 1,998 | 1,648 | 2,294 |
Median Household Income | $103,381 |
Unemployment Rate | 3.1% |
Labour Participation Rate | 67.0% |
Speaks only English | 92.3% |
Speaks French | 0.0% |
Statistics | Location |
Area Code | 519 |
Population | 10,820 |
Population density (sq km) | 2,017 |
Median age | 40.3 |
Male/female ratio | 1.0:1 |
Married couples | 69% |
Families with kids at home | 50% |
Index | Costs |
Cost of Living | 97 |
Goods & Services | 108 |
Groceries | 100 |
Healthcare | 103 |
Housing | 69 |
Transportation | 107 |
Utilities | 130 |
The average home price is $930,000 in Acton. The median listing price is $780k, with a yearly change of 32.8%. To rent or learn more about commercial properties on rent, you can visit
In Acton, a rental home costs around $3,500. However, the rent prices vary based on several variables, such as location, size, and quality. To rent or learn more about commercial properties on rent, you can visit
The nearby areas around Acton are Littlerock, Lancaster, Sun Village, Desert View Highlands, and Quartz Hill.
Over 180+ homes are available in the real estate market in Acton. To rent or learn more about commercial properties on rent, you can visit
The homes in Acton are sold out within 13 days.
Acton ranks 98% better than other regions in Canada as it ranks #3 among other Halton Hills neighbourhoods and #822 among other Ontario neighbourhoods.