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Neighborhood Overview
Liveability | 77 |
Amenities | A+ |
Commute | A+ |
Cost of Living | F |
Crime | B+ |
Employment | B- |
Housing | F |
Schools | A+ |
Health | A+ |
Index | Dufferin Grove/100k People | Toronto/100k People | Ontario/100k People | National/100k People |
Total crime | 2,612 (estimate) | 2,915 | 3,086 | 4,223 |
Violent crime | 671 (estimate) | 748 | 792 | 1,042 |
Property crime | 1,941 (estimate) | 2,167 | 2,294 | 3,181 |
Index | Dufferin Grove | Toronto | Ontario |
Median household income | $74,346 | $81,376 | $87,353 |
Unemployment rate | 5.1% | 4.8% | 4.2% |
In labour force | 78% | 65.5% | 61.7% |
Language Spoken | Percentage of Population |
English only | 78.4% |
French only | 0.1% |
Statistic | Dufferin Grove |
Population | 11,507 |
Population density | 10,835 |
Median age | 36.3 |
Male/Female Ratio | 1:1 |
Married couples | 55% |
Families with kids at home | 36% |
Index | Dufferin Grove |
Cost of living | 128 |
Goods and services | 108 |
Groceries | 100 |
Healthcare | 103 |
Housing | 171 |
Transportation | 107 |
Utilities | 130 |
Housing in Dufferin Grove typically falls under the wide range of $1,999,900 to $3,780,000.
The rental costs of properties in Dufferin Grove range from a monthly expense of $1250 to $6799.
Popular neighborhoods like Lawrence Park, Sunnylea, and Moore Park among many others surround the prospering area of Dufferin Grove.
Dufferin Grove offers a wide range of homes, including a mix of condos and apartments, and semi-detached and detached houses that are larger than the other neighbourhoods in Toronto and feature spacious yards.
There is a high demand for homes in Dufferin Grove and the estimates vary from time to time.
Dufferin Grove’s welcoming diversity and quality of life and education make it stand out as a desirable option for residents.